2017 Sprinkling Regulations




MAY 1, 2017 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2017

Summer weather always leads to a substantial increase in water usage. As summers become hotter and drier, conservation of water is becoming more important in our region. In addition, excessive pumping raises our power costs. When water demand in town exceeds the capacity of one pump, we are forced to run both pumps at once. This raises our electricity demand and allows FortisBC to bill us at a higher rate for the entire month, even if both pumps are only running for a few hours.

To keep water tolls down, Trustees have elected to go on a Time of Use Electricity Rate. As much as possible, we operate our pump during FortisBCā€™s off peak hours. By doing this we can save up to $1000 per month on our electricity bill during the summer months.

Reduced pumping also minimizes wear and tear on pumps, which are expensive to repair and replace.

STARTING MAY 1, 2017, watering of lawns and gardens will be subject to the following restrictions, pursuant to Section 21 (a), By-Law No. 232:

  1. No use of sprinklers between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

  1. Odd number houses will sprinkle on odd numbered days

  2. Even number houses will sprinkle on even numbered days

  • Sprinklers cannot be left running all night unless on a timer device

  • Hand watering is permitted any time ā€“ (this means you must be holding the hose)

  • Please turn off your sprinkler in the event of a fire in your area

  • Violators may be subject to a fine pursuant to By-Law No. 232

Your cooperation with these restrictions is appreciated,

The Board of Trustees

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04 2017