Archive for the ‘Public Notices’Category

Take steps now to prepare for emergencies

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen (RDOS) is asking residents and property owners to take steps to prepare for freshet and wildfire season. While the snowpack is below seasonal average, flood hazard associated with extreme rainfall and rain-on-snow during freshet period remains a potential risk. There are also early concerns about drought extending into the spring and summer, potentially leading to an early wildfire season.


Residents are reminded they are responsible for their own personal and household preparedness ahead of freshet and wildfire season. In areas prone to flooding and wildfire, residents should be looking to take the following steps:


Review your insurance policy

Insurance cannot be purchased or altered once a hazard is threatening your region. As part of your preparedness, call your insurance representative to discuss your coverage or contact the Insurance Bureau of Canada at 1-844-227-5422 or visit


Prepare an emergency plan & pre-register with Emergency Support Services (ESS)

Everyone needs an emergency plan. Being prepared can help you act quickly and calmly and bounce back faster following an emergency. Start the conversation with the people you live with by downloading a fillable plan from PreparedBC


Pre-register with ESS by visiting and click “self-register-now”. As part of your emergency plan, ensure to identify friends and family you can stay with if evacuated due to a flood or wildfire


Get FireSmart

Making your home and property FireSmart can help decrease the intensity and slow the spread of a wildfire. Get started with a free Firesmart home assessment or follow these quick FireSmart tips:

  • Move piles of firewood, raked leaves, and dead material away from buildings
  • Clean roof & gutters of pine needles and other debris
  • Prune tree branches up to two metres (six feet) from the ground
  • Choose fire-resistance plants within 10 metres of your home
  • Mow the lawn and keep grasses trimmed

For more information about FireSmart, please visit


Sign up for emergency notifications

During critical events or emergencies, such as floods and wildfires, the RDOS Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) will activate to support operations and distribute information. The RDOS has partnered with Voyent Alert! to provide emergency alerts and routine notifications throughout the region.


Sign up to receive email, text, or phone notifications, or download the Voyent Alert! app through the App Store or Google Play. Once you’ve registered, you are automatically signed up for emergency notifications.!/registration


Freshet and wildfire resources



For further information, please visit the RDOS EOC website at



03 2024

Controlled Burn Hedley BC


03 2024

Water Toll Payments

Water Tolls are due April 1, 2024.

Payments may be made to the Hedley Improvement District by cash, cheque or e-transfer (

Debit/Credit not accepted at this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


03 2024

Date Change for February’s Regular Monthly Meeting

Please notice that the HID’s regular Monday monthly board meeting falls on a statutory holiday (February 19th – Family Day) this month.

Our regular monthly meeting will be rescheduled for the following Monday, February 26, 2024 at the Hedley Community Centre (Seniors Centre).



01 2024

Water Operator – Kathleen Conabree (250) 328 9368 (EMERGENCY)

Water Technician/Operator position has been filled as of October 16, 2023 by resident Kathleen Conabree. You can reach her by email at or by phone at (250) 328 9368 in the case of a water inquiry or emergency.


10 2023

Water Technician Post Sept 2023


09 2023

EOC Update: flood preparedness

The Evacuation Alert issued by the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Emergency Operations Centre (RDOS EOC) on Wednesday, May 5, 2023, remains in effect for 75 properties in Electoral Area “D” due to the threat of flooding from Shuttleworth Creek in Okanagan Falls.

Warm weather is forecast over the next several days, and increased inflows are anticipated into Shuttleworth Creek and tributaries and rivers across the Regional District. The RDOS is reminding residents and property owners to take steps now to prepare for flooding. This includes moving items in and around your home to higher ground and preparing your family and pets in case an Evacuation Order is issued on short notice.

The RDOS will continue monitoring Shuttleworth Creek and will rescind the Evacuation Alert when conditions change.

Read the full release here.


05 2023

Battery recycling

You can RECYCLE your small batteries and cell phones at the HID office.

All household batteries are accepted at the HID office for recycling. Drop them off in person from Monday to Friday between 10 am and 2 pm or through the office mail slot after

hours. Only household batteries are allowed. NO liquid filled batteries will be accepted. Recharging the planet by Recycling your batteries.


04 2023

Monthly Meeting May 15, 10 am at the Community Club Hall

The next Monthly Meeting will be on May 15 at 10 a.m. at the Community Club Hall.


04 2023

Be Bear Aware


04 2023