**For all Emergencies go to the end of the document for numbers to call**
Type of Emergency – Broken Water Main
- Locate break, check map or red book for shut-off location
- Reduce water pressure until valve shut-off is required
- Contact backhoe owner/operator
- Advise Interior Health
- Notify all users affected via telephone or door to door
- Issue Boil Water Advisory if assessed as necessary (notices are located in the front of the red ERP binder)
- If water main or water system has to be shut down, chlorinate system prior to re-pressurizing
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- Notify affected users when the Boil Water Advisory has been rescinded via telephone or notices
Type of Emergency – Pump Failure
- Assess the situation
- Switch to other pump, or manual mode if appropriate
- Organize repairs to failed pump or electrical system
- Be prepared with alternate water source if needed (bottled or bulk hauler)
- Issue “Boil Water Notice” if tank empties or goes below 40psi
- Advise Interior Health
- Inform users of relevant information (conserve water, turn off sprinklers) via telephone or door to door
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- Once samples are clear, rescind the Boil Water Notice via telephone or
Type of Emergency – Power Failure
- Call FortisBC Electrical Emergency
- If power is going to be off for an extended period, the HID should rent a back-up generator. Check contact list for generators, and then call Lowther Electric for hook-up
- Be prepared with alternate water source (bottled or water hauler)
- May consider water rationing by shutting down reservoir (contact Fire Department) and post notices
- Contact all users via telephone or door to door
Type of Emergency – Contamination of Source (Well)
- Shut down pumps
- Advise Interior Health
- Notify all users via telephone or door to door of the BOIL WATER ADVISORY OR DO NOT CONSUME
- Be prepared with alternate water source – hauled and bottled
- Chlorinate the well
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- When water samples are clear, notify users that the advisory has been rescinded
Type of Emergency – Contamination of Reservoir
If there is evidence of tampering with reservoir or hatch – or contamination of reservoir – depending on what occurs, some or all of the following actions will need to be taken.
- Isolate reservoir
- Advise Interior Health
- Advise users by telephone or door to door of the BOIL WATER ADVISORY, DO NOT CONSUME OR DO NOT USE
- Take water samples at reservoir
- Flush system
- Be prepared with alternate water source – hauled or bottled
- Notify RCMP
- Chlorinate the well
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- When water samples are clear, notify users that advisory has been rescinded
Type of Emergency – Loss of Water Source
- Notify all users via telephone or door to door notices
- Follow action plan for Power Failure or Pump Failure – depending on cause of Loss of Water Source
Type of Emergency – Spill of Disinfected Water into Fish
Action: Not applicable as the water in the Hedley water system is not disinfected except following water main replacement, contamination of source or reservoir, or when the reservoir is cleaned (every 5 years)
Type of Emergency – Flood Conditions
- Shut off pumps if water lines have been damaged
- Assess situation if pump-house is threatened see Action Plan – Contamination of Source
- Contact BC Emergency Operations
- Contact RDOS Emergency Operations Centre
- Advise Interior Health
- Notify users by telephone or door to door of BOIL WATER ADVISORY OR DO NOT CONSUME
- Arrange for alternate water source – hauled or bottled
- Chlorinate system
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- Notify users when advisory is rescinded
Type of Emergency – Earthquake
- Shut off pumps if water lines are damaged
- Assess situation
- Notify BC Emergency Operations
- Notify RDOS emergency Operations Centre
- Advise Interior Health
- Notify users of Boil Water advisory or Do Not Consume via telephone or door to door
- Arrange alternate water source – hauled or bottled
- Make necessary repairs
- Chlorinate system
- Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing
- Advise users when water is clear and advisory has been rescinded
Type of Emergency – Fire in the Pump House
- Call 911
- In the event of an electrical fire in the pumphouse, the pumphouse would shut down due to loss of electricity
- See actions under Emergency – Power Failure
Additional to Individual Phone Calls
- Door to door delivery of DO NOT CONSUME or WATER QUALITY ADVISORY notices to ALL Hedley residents
- Post Public notices at the Post Office, Country Store, Community Club, The Hedley Centre, Snazai’st Centre, Family Centre, HID Office, Museum, Woodlie Park water fountain
- Posted to Facebook, Hedley Residents and Hedley Rant and Rave pages
- Have pallets of water delivered to the HID office
- Deliver flats of water to anyone unable to pick up water at the HID Office
- 10L refillable containers delivered to the Community Club, Museum, The Hedley Centre, Family Centre and Snazai’st Centre
Water System Operator: Kathleen Conabree: 250-328-9368
Back-Up Water Operator: (250) 488-61501 – Gary Ross
Trustee Chair Wes. M. 1-604-880-0210
Trustee – David P. 1-250-295-2012
USIB, Water – 1-778-531-7413
Generator Rental, Warner Rentals Princeton – 1-250-295-0014
Warner Rental Princeton
Electrician – Lowther 1-250-499-7752
Water Hauler-Penticton – 1-250-492-6121
Kelowna – 1-250-763-7797
Bottled Water, Hedley Country Market 1-250-292-8600
Value Contracting – Bob P. 1-250-497-8284
Interior Health 1-250-770-5540 x 31255
Fortis BC Emergency 1-866-436-78474
Excavator (Large) – 1-250-499-5574 Harris & Son
RDOS Emergency Ops 1-250-490-4218
Sean V. 1-250-809-2541
BC Emergency Coordinator 1-800-663-3456
Ministry of Transportation 1-250-490-2225
Aim Roads – Hwy 7 Roads 1-866-222-4204