**For all Emergencies go to the end of the document for numbers to call** 

Type of Emergency – Broken Water Main 


  1. Locate break, check map or red book for shut-off location 
  1. Reduce water pressure until valve shut-off is required  
  1. Contact backhoe owner/operator 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Notify all users affected via telephone or door to door 
  1. Issue Boil Water Advisory if assessed as necessary (notices are located in the front of the red ERP binder) 
  1. If water main or water system has to be shut down, chlorinate system prior to re-pressurizing 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. Notify affected users when the Boil Water Advisory has been rescinded via telephone or notices 


Type of Emergency – Pump Failure 


  1. Assess the situation 
  1. Switch to other pump, or manual mode if appropriate 
  1. Organize repairs to failed pump or electrical system 
  1. Be prepared with alternate water source if needed (bottled or bulk hauler) 
  1. Issue “Boil Water Notice” if tank empties or goes below 40psi 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Inform users of relevant information (conserve water, turn off sprinklers) via telephone or door to door 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. Once samples are clear, rescind the Boil Water Notice via telephone or 


Type of Emergency – Power Failure 


  1. Call FortisBC Electrical Emergency 
  1. If power is going to be off for an extended period, the HID should rent a back-up generator. Check contact list for generators, and then call Lowther Electric for hook-up 
  1. Be prepared with alternate water source (bottled or water hauler) 
  1. May consider water rationing by shutting down reservoir (contact Fire Department) and post notices 
  1. Contact all users via telephone or door to door 


Type of Emergency – Contamination of Source (Well) 


  1. Shut down pumps 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Notify all users via telephone or door to door of the BOIL WATER ADVISORY OR DO NOT CONSUME 
  1. Be prepared with alternate water source – hauled and bottled 
  1. Chlorinate the well 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. When water samples are clear, notify users that the advisory has been rescinded 


Type of Emergency – Contamination of Reservoir 
If there is evidence of tampering with reservoir or hatch – or contamination of reservoir – depending on what occurs, some or all of the following actions will need to be taken. 


  1. Isolate reservoir 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Advise users by telephone or door to door of the BOIL WATER ADVISORY, DO NOT CONSUME OR DO NOT USE 
  1. Take water samples at reservoir 
  1. Flush system 
  1. Be prepared with alternate water source – hauled or bottled 
  1. Notify RCMP 
  1. Chlorinate the well 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. When water samples are clear, notify users that advisory has been rescinded 


Type of Emergency – Loss of Water Source 


  1. Notify all users via telephone or door to door notices 
  1. Follow action plan for Power Failure or Pump Failure – depending on cause of Loss of Water Source 


Type of Emergency – Spill of Disinfected Water into Fish 

Action: Not applicable as the water in the Hedley water system is not disinfected except following water main replacement, contamination of source or reservoir, or when the reservoir is cleaned (every 5 years) 


Type of Emergency – Flood Conditions 


  1. Shut off pumps if water lines have been damaged 
  1. Assess situation if pump-house is threatened see Action Plan – Contamination of Source 
  1. Contact BC Emergency Operations 
  1. Contact RDOS Emergency Operations Centre 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Notify users by telephone or door to door of BOIL WATER ADVISORY OR DO NOT CONSUME 
  1. Arrange for alternate water source – hauled or bottled 
  1. Chlorinate system 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. Notify users when advisory is rescinded 


Type of Emergency – Earthquake 


  1. Shut off pumps if water lines are damaged 
  1. Assess situation 
  1. Notify BC Emergency Operations 
  1. Notify RDOS emergency Operations Centre 
  1. Advise Interior Health 
  1. Notify users of Boil Water advisory or Do Not Consume via telephone or door to door 
  1. Arrange alternate water source – hauled or bottled 
  1. Make necessary repairs 
  1. Chlorinate system 
  1. Take two water samples at least 24 hours apart for bacteriological testing 
  1. Advise users when water is clear and advisory has been rescinded 


Type of Emergency – Fire in the Pump House 


  1. Call 911 
  1. In the event of an electrical fire in the pumphouse, the pumphouse would shut down due to loss of electricity 
  1. See actions under Emergency – Power Failure 

Additional to Individual Phone Calls 

  • Door to door delivery of DO NOT CONSUME or WATER QUALITY ADVISORY notices to ALL Hedley residents 
  • Post Public notices at the Post Office, Country Store, Community Club, The Hedley Centre, Snazai’st Centre, Family Centre, HID Office, Museum, Woodlie Park water fountain 
  • Posted to Facebook, Hedley Residents and Hedley Rant and Rave pages 
  • Have pallets of water delivered to the HID office 
  • Deliver flats of water to anyone unable to pick up water at the HID Office 
  • 10L refillable containers delivered to the Community Club, Museum, The Hedley Centre, Family Centre and Snazai’st Centre 



Water System Operator: Kathleen Conabree: 250-328-9368
Back-Up Water Operator: (250) 488-61501 – Gary Ross
Trustee Chair Wes. M. 1-604-880-0210 
Trustee – David P. 1-250-295-2012 
USIB, Water – 1-778-531-7413 
Generator Rental, Warner Rentals Princeton – 1-250-295-0014

Warner Rental Princeton 

Electrician – Lowther 1-250-499-7752
Water Hauler-Penticton – 1-250-492-6121
Kelowna – 1-250-763-7797
Bottled Water, Hedley Country Market 1-250-292-8600 
Value Contracting – Bob P. 1-250-497-8284 
Interior Health   1-250-770-5540 x 31255 
Fortis BC Emergency  1-866-436-78474 
Excavator (Large) –  1-250-499-5574 Harris & Son 
RDOS Emergency Ops   1-250-490-4218 
Sean V.           1-250-809-2541 
BC Emergency Coordinator   1-800-663-3456 

Ministry of Transportation   1-250-490-2225 
Aim Roads – Hwy 7 Roads   1-866-222-4204